Keller Williams Realty Tampa Central
Lala Alaoui
Keller Williams Tampa Central
Tampa, FL
REALTOR® a les Keller Williams Tampa Central
Cada oficina de Keller Williams® és propietat i opera de manera independent

Sobre mi

Lala was born in Morocco and studied medicine in Russia for 6 years. She is a linguist that reads, writes, and fluently speaks multiple languages including Arabic, French, and Russian. After 5 years in pharmacy, Lala acquired her real estate license in Florida and began a new career in the sunshine state. She has a keen eye for home design and loves helping young people and families find their dream homes.

Lala is committed to her clients' needs and always puts that ahead of her personal gains. She thrives on the idea of helping people purchase their first home, and educating renters about first-time home-buyer options, such as down payment assistance programs.

When Lala isn't helping someone buy or sell their home, she spends her time with her family (husband and dog-baby), and unlike most people, loves hanging out with her in-laws! Spending time at the beach during the day with her family, and reading a good book in the evening is Lala's ideal day-off. You can find Lala in the kitchen cooking up a traditional Moroccan meal!

Lala believes real estate is the greatest investment you can make towards generational wealth.

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CENTRE DEL MERCAT Keller Williams Tampa Central
Lala Alaoui
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